Solving Intugine Case Study

Samvrant Rajbans
3 min readJul 29, 2022

Product Research on Route Optimisation in India.

Route optimization is the process of determining the most cost-efficient route. It’s more complex than simply finding the shortest path between two points. It needs to include all relevant factors, such as the number and location of all the required stops on the route, as well as time windows for deliveries.


● Research on the subject matter.
● Do feasibility checks.
● Target market size (India)
● Competitors
● Build brief product roadmap
● Work on the GTM Strategy

Assignment Brief:

Research on Route Optimisation in India for the development of an application or APIs for the Manufacturer, Transporters, Supply Chain Heads who would be using our product to optimize and plan routes based on many factors like size and volume of material, vehicle type and then external factors like manmade roadblocks, natural Hazards, Traffic Jams, Events and Celebrations, Holidays, Strikes etc. Utilizing data from multiple sources to generate an optimized route for the delivery, utilizing Intugine’s as well as external data.


Route optimization is more complex than simply finding the shortest path between two points & often determining the most cost-efficient route.



Author: All the screenshots are publicly available and being used for reference purpose only.

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